Wed, 05/05/2021 - 18:51
On Wednesday, May 4th 2021, Erasmus Student Network held a ceremony online giving awards to the best projects, initiatives, and events in the network.
Mon, 03/05/2021 - 16:12
Conference Erasmus Generation on the Labour Market, which will take place from 20 - 21 May online, will look into several topics connected to the employability of the Erasmus+ (and other exchange and mobility programmes) alumni.
Thu, 15/04/2021 - 13:42
The first outputs of the Social Inclusion and Engagement in Mobility (SIEM) project were presented during an online conference on March 31st, 2021.
Mon, 12/04/2021 - 20:48
In 2021, the International Year of Health and Care Workers, the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) and the International Federation of Medical Students' Associations (IFMSA) come together, signing a Memorandum of Understanding.
Fri, 02/04/2021 - 12:45
The SID will take place between the 6th and the 20th of April 2021.
Thu, 25/03/2021 - 17:53
The new and revamped programme aims to fund learning mobility and cross-border cooperation projects for 10 million Europeans of all ages and all backgrounds.
Mon, 22/03/2021 - 17:12
The new scheme will run from 2022 to 2026 and will be supported by an investment of £65m from the Welsh Government.
Thu, 18/03/2021 - 16:08
The Inclusive Communication Manual is a practical guideline on how to communicate inclusively with international youth.
Tue, 16/03/2021 - 16:41
Join us on March 31st to learn more about the first research outputs of the SIEM project!
Mon, 15/03/2021 - 14:11
The event focused on the support for students before, during and after their mobility experience, as well as the support university teachers and practitioners can provide to Erasmus+ students for nurturing a more conscious soft skills acquisition.
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