Erasmus Generation Perspective articles are written by ESN volunteers with the aim to share the student voice on current policy developments in the field of international education. The text represents the individual perspective of the author, and not an official statement of the Erasmus Student Network.

Have you ever asked yourself what does Europe mean to you?
"We have the unique opportunity to shape the world, to touch the hearts of international students and locals and to make sure that we use every bit of our youth energy for the improvement of the world.”
Young people are willing to engage in developing and bringing a brighter future in more prosperous, innovative,inclusive and sustainable means into the European Union.
Education helps integrate refugees in their host country and is beneficial for both the host society and refugee communities alike, yet the global enrolment rate for refugees in higher education is at a mere 3%.
How the 2021-2022 academic term will look in higher education is the main concern for many after a long period of remote learning. There are plenty of views on hybrid learning and mandatory vaccination, but what will actually be the measures?
Traineeships are a great insightful opportunity to step into the EU institutions through the field of your interests.
