The STRONGER Project focuses on Strengthen Youth Organisation in European Neighbourhood Regions focussing on Internationalisation and Student Mobility.

In order to do so, we are looking to gather input from students and graduates from the Western Balkans (North Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo1, Montenegro), Eastern Partnership Countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine) and the Russian Federation.

If you want to participate in the survey and let us know how we can support the improvement of youth engagement and internationalisation in the area, please fill in the following survey.

1 This designation is without prejudice to positions on status, and is in line with UNSCR 1244 and the ICJ Opinion on the Kosovo declaration of independence.

Youth Engagement and Internationalisation
1 (totally disagree) and 6 (totally agree)
123456Don't know
A diverse audience is attracted to participate in Youth Organisations in my city/region. *
It is easy for young people to join youth activities regardless of where they live. *
The general financial situation of students (balance between financial support and cost of living) is good. *
Diverse channels are in place in the community to reach out to different young people. *
Youth organisations are well embedded in the local community. *
Employers and Education Systems value volunteering activities in your city/country. *
Volunteering in youth/student organisations is available for young people regardless of their background. *
It is easy for youth organisations to find funding. *
Society values youth organisations and volunteering. *
Society values the personal development young people gain by volunteering for youth organisations. *
1 (totally disagree) and 6 (totally agree)
123456Don't know
The city/region supports youth organisations to enhance personal development of young people. *
The city/region employs youth workers in my area to support youth organisations in their tasks. *
Independent financial support is available for youth/student organisations in your city/region. *
Sufficient and clear information is accessible about available support for youth organisations? *
Young people are involved in the development of youth policies in my country. *
Easy access to facilities (venues) for youth/student organisations are made available by the city/region. *
1 (totally disagree) and 6 (totally agree)
123456Don't know
I value the learning opportunities in volunteering. *
I believe that volunteering is important to contribute to society. *
I feel connected to Europe (continent). *
I feel part of the European Community. *
Youth organisations and it’s volunteers are welcoming and accepting to new interested people. *
I find tolerance to diversity important in youth. *