Specify in which country did this event take place.
Specify the section(s) involved in the activity. You can choose multiple ESN Sections. They need to be comma-separated in the field.
Enter a name here as a contact person for the section.
Enter a e-mail here of the contact person. A copy of the submitted statistics will be sent to this address.
Date of the event *
Specify the date of the event
E.g., 18/02/2025
Describe the event with a couple of sentences.
Actively involved as volunteers
How did your activity go? Have you encountered any problems? Give us feedback on satisfaction of international students, locals, volunteers. Is there anything we could provide you to improve the activity?
Please, insert only one link. Submitted documents will be used for promotion of the activity and the section that organized it.
Upload an event image to represent the event as well as possible. Remember to at least crop the small block image to show on the listing.
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: png gif jpg jpeg.
Images must be smaller than 2500x2500 pixels.

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