With the cold, desolate winter feeling slowly being replaced with rays of sunshine, one cannot help but feel more optimistic about the grand scheme of things. To evoke even more good vibes, allow us to introduce you to this month’s Section in The Spotlight: ESN URJC!
(Don’t worry, unlike at the Oscars Ceremony, we’re 100% sure it’s not La La Land.)
ESN Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (or more conveniently known as ESN URJC) is a Madrid-based ESN section which has been in operation since 2004. Considering the fact that their university receives around 800 international annually, it is a feat of gargantuan proportions that they manage to keep everyone satisfied and up to speed with only 30 active members (did I mention that they only had 10 members just 2 years ago?), as that roughly gives us a ratio of one ESN member for every 26.7 incoming exchange students. Impressive.
The structure of the section puts into practice both trusted and innovative methods of organisation, ranging from efficient and sturdy work groups which deal with the vast majority of ESN matters, a local Board of Directors and their own Communication Committee (more on this later!)
In terms of actually taking care of international students, members of ESN URJC have created a truly rich plethora of different events ranging from the tested and trusted Orientation Days, Tandem meetings and parties with other sections from Madrid to more unconventional events such as the “Integration Weekend”: an action packed event with a complete ban on using social media and mobile phones!
“It’s an unusual three-day trip which aims to get involved the international students in the Spanish culture through non-stop activities and it’s the perfect occasion for making the first friendships abroad”
Without a doubt, members of ESN URJC are most proud of their very own Communication Committee which has been responsible for all the great content the section has been providing. Ranging from aftermovies of parties, thematic Christmas videos and wonderful content on their other social media channels (make sure to follow them!), their positive content is bound to make anyone happy, even if the weather outside is more reminiscent of Siberia than Europe. ESN URJC believes that through the power of communication special bonds can be formed between incoming exchange students and ESNers. All this effort and commitment sure does pay off after seeing the satisfied faces of students from all around the world.
“Our goal is that the exchange students consider us not just coordinators but their friends, and they can count on us in any moment”
In just two years, ESN URJC has tripled in size, it has revamped its structure to be more efficient and its members are full of energy and optimism. They’re a perfect example of a section that has found new motivation to fulfil the core missions of ESN despite the long years of functioning behind it. We salute you!
By Chris Ptasinski
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