We think it's prime time we leave Poland and see the other municipal beauties ESN’s network has to offer. Let’s hit the road to the scenic Timisoara where we can find this month’s Section in the Spotlight. Let’s all give a round of applause to ESN Timisoara!
Being founded only back in 2011, ESN Timisoara is a relatively new section, yet they already have had a significant impact on the network, starting off with organising the National Boards Meeting in 2013 to the Eduk8 Starter just last month. As you can see, these guys don’t rest on any laurels!
In terms of flagship projects, ESN Timisoara organises something truly special. In the true spirit of students helping others, ESN members and Erasmus students alike work together creating beautiful trinkets, which in turn are sold to obtain enough funds to support children in local foster homes. This lovely project has already been recognised by ESN international and has been awarded with a Star Award in 2015!
Their originality and desire to help others is not limited to just one great event. Just last christmas they launched yet another project called “Santa’s little helpers”, where homemade decorations were sold to raise enough money to buy presents for the local orphanages. It looks like SocialErasmus has a special place in these guys’ hearts!
What really makes these folks special is not necessarily just their eagerness to share ESN’s values but the way they treat each other.
“Our section is not just a team, but a family with goods and bads, we work together to greater deeds.”
This family spirit is what propels this section into a league of their own. A team may accomplish any given task, but a family will stay together, regardless of the situation and leave no woman or man behind. Members of ESN Timisoara put this ideology into practice when they organised The Eduk8 Starter. As many sections know, organising a multinational event creates enough stressful situations for a couple life spans. ESN Timisoara were put to the test during this event, but because of their teamwork, commitment and family-orientated attitude they prevailed together!
This family spirit is accentuated by the fact that each year the local board organises a three day training camp where members have a chance to embrace ESN’s values and join the family.
In many ways ESN Timisoara does not meet our expectations of a section worthy of the Section in the Spotlight Award, it exceeds them. Seldom do we encounter a section so eager to do more despite having done so much in such a little amount of time. Their ambitions to excel above others while maintaining traditional values such as treating each other like one big family really gives ESN Timisoara that special shine which makes them this month’s winner. ESN Timisoara, we salute you, and wish you all the best in the future.
by Chris Ptasinski
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