With the new Erasmus+ App, students who want to go abroad for an exchange will be able to focus on what really matters, being helped in every step of their mobility application, during their mobility, and upon their return home. The Erasmus+ App also fosters content sharing by students within the App such as tips that can help other students make their experience easier and better. This is why we want to reward anyone who contributes to creating this community of practice by uploading tips in the Erasmus+ App. The competition’s goal is to foster peer-to-peer cooperation among students who have gone to Erasmus or are interested in the Erasmus programme.
Whether your tip is about how to better pack your luggage, how to manage the language barrier in a new country, or how to find friends abroad or simply keep up with your studies in the host university, share with us your tip and win amazing prizes.
Contest's Guidelines
Who can take part in our contest
Everyone who has participated, is participating at the moment or wants to participate in an Erasmus+ exchange or study abroad programme, aged 18 years or over.
How to take part
Upload your Erasmus mobility tip from the Tips Section of the Erasmus+ App which can be downloaded via Android, Apple, or alternatively accessed via PC. After you log in and go to the share section on the top right corner (the “plus” symbol) you can upload your tip indicating the title of your tip, the actual tip (“description” section), any image if relevant, the city related to the tip, the specific Erasmus+ programme from those listed in the App’s menu, and the tag related to the area to which your tip applies from those listed in the App’s menu. You should submit at least 5 tips to have more chances, so make them count!
How to win
Become a great tip giver and share with us the most unique and useful tips from your Erasmus+ adventures.
The prizes
Each month, 3 tips sharers will win awesome prizes!
After 6 months, the best tip sharer will win an even more awesome prize!
The monthly prizes are:
- Three 50 Euros Amazon vouchers
The bi-yearly prize is:
- An interrail voucher to travel in Europe
All participants, by uploading a tip agree with the Terms and Conditions below
How to submit a good quality tip in the Erasmus+ App?
The best tips submitted from the App by registered users will make you eligible to receive prizes each month. For this reason, it’s important to know how to submit a good tip within the App in the context of the competition but more generally for any time you’ll want to share a tip with Erasmus+ students to help them in their mobility.
Tips are short recommendations created by users of the Erasmus+ App to provide peer-to-peer information about a practical issue related to mobility. The tips can be found on the main page of the App and they are visible to all users of the App after being approved.
All users can submit a tip as long as they’re logged in the App (either with an EU login or with MyAcademicID). A tip is submitted by clicking on the “plus” symbol on the top right-hand side of the App, and then choosing the “Share a Tip” menu. By clicking on “Share a Tip” users can submit the Tip and add visuals content like images as well!
This is how to submit a tip but what makes a good quality tip?
A good tip is short, on-topic, constructive, and readable. It's important to avoid using “CAPS LOCK” as it is equivalent to shouting and can cause offense. Use clear and understandable language avoiding acronyms and make sure you’re appropriate in what you share. You can report any inappropriate tip from the app by clicking on the caption ‘Report this page’ at the bottom of the page when you open the tip. Likewise, other users can report your tip if the App’s moderators don't report it first.
How tips are moderated by the Erasmus+ App team
To avoid being reported or even sanctioned by the moderators you should only submit content that is your own respecting intellectual property rights. Never post personal information about other users like real names, photo,s and other personal information. Also do not identify by name teachers, staff members of higher education institutions like universities.
Make sure you’re respectful and do not defame others or be disrespectful or use foul language. Finally, make sure your tip’s text is intelligible, complete and that you do not post advertisements of products or services.
If you are inappropriate, your tip will not be published and in some serious cases your account might be suspended from publishing any content at all, so pay attention to these simple rules!
Tips are moderated by the Erasmus+ App Helpdesk Team maintained by Eötvös Loránd University.
If you submit a Tip and it is not published in the App, and you don’t understand why, you may contact the Helpdesk Team through the feedback form of the App.
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