The MappED! project, part of the ExchangeAbility and MapAbility projects established by the Erasmus Student Network, will host a press conference on the occasion of the launch of the tool and accompanying app.
Funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission, MappED! aims to create a unique online platform for students with disabilities, to help with finding information regarding mobility. The platform will provide information about existing opportunities such as additional grant requests, as well as learn about the accessibility of HEIs in Europe and their surrounding areas.
During the launch, the website and the accompanying mobile app be presented, along with a demonstration of the tool. The conference will be attended by national project coordinators, students involved in the project, partners of the project as well as important stakeholders in the area of inclusion of students with disabilities.
The agenda is as follows:
- Welcome and official opening of the conference
- Case Study presentations from stakeholders and key Institutions and Organisations in the field of mobility of youth and students with special needs
- Live demo of the new website and mobile application
- Conclusion of the conference
Please register to guarantee yourself a seat at this event!
More information about the project can be found at mapped.eu.
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