The logo of the HOME2 project is placed in the upper left corner. Below it a bolded text stating "Register to the HOME² Leading  European Conference". Below it is additional texts about the time (20th of May, from 10AM to 5PM) and the location (European Economic and Social Committee, Rue Belliard 99/101, 1040 Bruxelles). In the upper right corner the logo indicates that the project is funded by the European Union. In the lower right corner a visual element of two houses is placed.

We are thrilled to announce the leading event shaping the future of the European student accommodation sector, the HOME² European conference which will take place on May 20th, 2025, in Brussels at the European Economic and Social Committee. 

This full-day event will bring together key stakeholders of the student accommodation sector to explore solutions for one of the biggest challenges facing students studying abroad: access to quality, reliable, and affordable housing.

About the conference

Hosted by the Erasmus Student Network in partnership with the Politecnico di Milano and the HOME² consortium, this conference gathers European policy-makers, university representatives, housing providers, and student organisations to discuss research findings and innovative strategies for improving student accommodation across Europe.

The event will allow participants to discover powerful insights on housing quality, affordability, and accessibility, and explore potential policy recommendations designed to support students, higher education institutions, and housing providers. Participate in engaging discussions on the role of quality labels and digital tools in creating a more inclusive and reliable student housing market.

Who should attend?

Policy-makers, university staff, housing providers, student organisations, and anyone committed to enhancing the student housing experience.

Make sure to register by 7th of May! Spaces are limited and will be assigned on a first-come-first-served basis, so sign up today to secure your spot.