In September 2020, the European Commission launched its vision for achieving a European Education Area (EEA) by 2025 with new priorities that offer young Europeans more opportunities in education, training, youth and culture at the EU level. Note that this is something different from the European Higher Education Area; the EEA is a completely new initiative. Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is pleased to see the new Communication released by the European Commission and is grateful to see that some of our input during the multiple consultations has been taken into consideration. Several of the aspects in the EEA Communication have to do with the future Erasmus+ Programme and ESN’s vision on this is found in our #ErasmusUpgrade Manifesto.
To make the learning mobility experience more accessible, optimal and user-friendly to a broad range of participants and organisations, the greater focus of the initiative was set on improving the quality and inclusiveness of education, along with improving/upscaling the digital and green dimensions in education systems and at advancing high-quality, inclusive education.
The Erasmus+ programme has played a significant role in strengthening the relations of the European Union with the neighbouring countries and the rest of the world. ESN firmly believes that the European Education Area cannot be built with closed borders, but would greatly benefit from building strong cooperation with other countries and continents, enriching the intercultural opportunities for young people.
Many of the ideas in the Communication are interesting, ambitious and set out to solve very real problems and in that way, the Communication is a step in the right direction. In order to make these ideas turn into something more concrete than well-intended words on a paper, a lot of work and a proper budget will be needed in the coming years. ESN stands by the idea of having a young adult population that, by 2025, will have understood and embraced the idea of international experience as a component to all learning paths. We will continue our work to enrich society through international students by offering them real opportunities to obtain meaningful international experiences.
You can read ESN’s reaction to the communication below.
For further information, please contact:
Sabina Achim, Communication Manager, Erasmus Student Network | +32 470 47 22 25 | [email protected]
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