We are proud to announce that based on the ranking of Transparency At Work, the Erasmus Student Network was rated as the fifth-best employer in Brussels in EU affairs. The ranking is based on the opinion of young professionals who have rated their job experiences in Brussels.
The full list of all Top 25 Employers in Brussels is available here. You can also visit the Transparency At Work website and anonymously evaluate job experiences such as apprenticeships, traineeships and entry-level jobs or access ratings from your peers to learn more about your future employer.
“In my experience, what the staff in ESN appreciate are the following: the nice atmosphere and culture in the office, the learning experience, the short distance between ideas and implementation and, most importantly, the opportunity to work for a good cause.” Rasmus Benke-Aberg, Director of the Erasmus Student Network
the TOP25 - Best Employers in EU Affairs is out!
THANK YOU to all employees/interns we rated and created more Trusted Jobs!
Full ranking: https://t.co/B8vwqYgpE7
Reviews here: https://t.co/2vfJujbZeh@transenv @EUDefenceAgency @AmChamEU @WWFEU @MicrosoftEU @fleishmanEU pic.twitter.com/lrxoXJNEqJ— Trusted Jobs (@InternsGoPro) February 14, 2020
If you are interested in the career opportunities in the ESN Office, follow www.esn.org/careers and our LinkedIn page to get the first-hand information.
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