After the thrilling journey of the Erasmus Generation Meeting Seville 2024, the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is gearing up for a new adventure with participation in the European Youth Week (12th-19th of April), organised in Brussels by the European Commission and in LevelUp! (12th-13th of April), by the European Youth Forum.
As the key organisation in learning mobility and the largest Erasmus Alumni network led by young people, we are excited to contribute to a diverse range of events taking place during these dates.
European Youth Week, 12th-19th of April:
ESN will make significant contributions to breakout sessions scheduled for the 12th of April at the European Parliament:
"From House to Home: Social Inclusion in Student Housing", led by our Communication Officer, Sabri Ben Rommane (11h45-12h45).
"Rocking the European Elections: Your Opportunity to Shape EU History", organised in collaboration with OBESSU, where our President, Rita Dias, will lead the discussion (11h45-12h25).
"Youth Say That: Designing and Implementing Learning Mobility Experiences", organised in cooperation with DG EAC, where Lovro Morovic, our ESC Policy Assistant for Education & Youth, will facilitate the workshop (14h30-15h45).
Additionally, we will have a presence in the Marketplace, sharing a stand with our colleagues from AEGEE, on the 12th of February. The marketplace will take place in the European Parliament from 10h30 to 17h30.
To add further significance to our participation, the President of ESN International, Rita Dias, and the President of ESN Berlin, Philipp Höhne, will attend a policy dialogue organised by Commissioner Iliana Ivanova on the 19th of April, discussing the future of learning mobility and the European Degree.
LevelUp!, 12th-13th of April:
As a member organisation of the European Youth Forum, ESN will bring a delegation of 10 volunteers from multiple countries such as Greece, Italy, Romania, Poland, Croatia, Cyprus, Spain and Türkiye to LevelUp! This key event provides our volunteers with a platform to expand their knowledge and skills and aspire to make a positive impact on pressing issues.
Additionally, we are happy to host two breakout sessions at LevelUp! on the 12th of February:
"Learning Mobility for Young Europeans: Opportunities & Ways to Participate" led by our President, Rita Dias (13h15-14h15).
"EU Opportunities for Youth: Tools for Achieving Democratic Participation", led by our Liaison Officer for European Affairs, Giorgos A. Papaioannou, and our Liaison Officer for the European Youth Forum, Nathan Lusseau (13h15-14h15).
All the ESN participation in both events is also supported by the terrific ESN communication team: Lina Mohorić, Marina Vidal and Anastasia Shevtsova.
Contact us - we would love to meet you! Reach out if you're interested in collaborating with us, learning more about ESN, fostering student support and involvement, or enhancing your connection with our national and local members.
Feel free to connect with members of our delegation on LinkedIn or drop us an email at [email protected].
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