The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) joins the Fiat Likes U project which includes a completely free car-sharing service for the students of 15 universities and Lectio Magistralis with Fiat designers, engineers and managers. In addition the initiative includes 15 paid Fiat Ambassador jobs managing the project at each university and paid on-the-job training opportunities.
The overall aim of the project is to find new talent and potential in European universities. Through the joint actions Fiat and ESN expect the project to reach over 700.000 students.
Stefan Jahnke, the President of ESN AISBL, stated on the new partnership with the Fiat Likes U project: “As Europe’s biggest student organisation, ESN is setting a clear sign with this very exciting partnership. In times of economic crisis it is important to strengthen the collaboration between the academic world and the private sector. Therefore I am very happy that Fiat Likes U has identified the benefits of collaborating with ESN to reach out to young Europeans with a mobility experience. Offering high quality jobs and traineeships is a crucial success factor for each European company nowadays. Combined with Fiat’s great enthusiasm for mobility, our synergies are the perfect framework for a long lasting partnership.”
During the course of 2014 and 2015 the Fiat Likes U project is implemented in The Netherlands, Spain, Poland, Denmark and Italy. For more information about the Fiat Likes U project and the different activities to take place around Europe, please visit the following webpage: http://www.fiatlikesu.eu
The Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is the biggest student organisation in Europe, founded in 1989 to support and develop student exchange. ESN is present in more than 450 Higher Education Institutions in 37 countries involving around 13,000 volunteers offering its services to 180,000 international students. ESN works for the creation of a more mobile and flexible education environment by supporting and developing student exchanges on different levels and provides an intercultural experience also to those students who cannot access a period abroad ('internationalisation at home'). For more information visit http://esn.org
The Fiat Likes U project is a project by Fiat and executed by the Prodea Group. With its three pillars (Work, Mobility and Training) the project targets European students and offers them the internship, education and mobility opportunities. The current project covers 15 universities in 5 countries and will run until the end of year 2015. For more information visit http://fiatlikesu.eu
For more information please contact:
Oscar Boije, Partnership Manager, ESN AISBL, [email protected]
Fiat Likes U secretary office: [email protected], http://fiatlikesu.eu
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