The Erasmus Student Network actively participated in the fourth LLL-week that took place from the 8th to 11th of December in the premises of the European Parliament. Several organisations participated together with ESN in the LLL fair where several promotional materials were distributed to stakeholders and decision makers such as MEPs and different state representatives. ESN had a successful representation and actively contributed to the debates and panel discussions organised by EUCIS-LLL.
During the week ESN took the opportunity to promote mobility, to disseminate our research studies results and provide information about student mobility. The focus was on the three pillars of EUCIS-LLL's European Manifesto 'Building together the future of learning', ensuring accessible and quality learning for all, investing in the social dimension of lifelong learning and bringing the EU closer to its citizens.
The aim of the Lifelong Learning Week is to raise awareness of lifelong learning, to bring visibility and create synergy between the work achieved by EUCIS-LLL and its members in 2014.
The manifesto intends to be accessible and to ensure quality learning for all by investing in lifelong learning.
Through the Lifelong Learning Week, EUCIS-LLL aims to send strong messages on lifelong learning to policy-makers and Members of European Parliament.
You can find here the activities that were done during that week:
2-5 December
Tuesday 2 December
Tuesday 9 December
- EURASHE round table on Employability
- 15:00-18:00 EUCIS-LLL round table on ‘Efficient and equitable funding of education: A target beyond reach?‘, hosted by Jill Evans (Greens/EFA, UK).
- 19:00-21:00 Lifelong Learning reception, hosted by Julie Ward (S&D, UK).
Wednesday 10 December
- 09:30-11:00 EUCIS-LLL Seminar – Launch of Flagship Initiative on ’Inclusive Education. Fighting Inequalities in Education and Training‘, hosted by Julie Ward (S&D, UK).
Thursday 11 December
- 9:30-12:45 EUCIS-LLL Policy Debate ‘Validation of non-formal and informal learning: All aboard! How to reach the targeted public?‘, hosted by Sirpa Pietikäinen (EPP, FI).
- 14:00-16:00 Bertelsmann Stiftung study launch ‘VNFIL in Europe: Learning from the Best’.
- 18:00-21:00 ‘We are all lifelong learners!‘ closing reception at Mundo J.
The LLL-Week concluded with a cocktail reception hosted by the MEP Julie Ward (S&D, UK) and chaired by David Lopez, EUCIS-LLL President, who shared with organisation the success of her personal achievements hanks to lifelong learning.
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