Friday, 15 April, 2016 - 13:35
A nice (net)working place for organisations active in the field of HE and in an awesome place which is well located, with easy access to the European Commission, European Parliament and public transportation (2min walk to Maalbeek, 3 min walk to Schuman).
Both ESN and European University Foundation as organisations active in the field of youth and Higher Education already being in the building. We’re looking to host: NGOs active in the field of youth and HE, Innovative (social) start-ups, representation offices in Brussels.
120 Rue Joseph II, 1000 Bruxelles
Newly renovated office room of 20,8m2
Approximately 700€ including all charges
A few minutes’ walk from metro stations Maelbeek and Schuman
Walking distance to both European Commission and European Parliament
Access to common area and meeting rooms
Friendly neighbours and NGO environment
Moving in: early July 2016
For more information: [email protected] and [email protected]
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